About Us
With decades of growing setbacks and unsustainable progress in the socioeconomic development of ordinary citizens and communities in Northern Ghana; desirous of taking keen interest in the management of the developmental potential of the citizens, anxious to chart a new course of community spirit and cooperation to identify urgent and felt needs of ordinary people was inevitable.
Determined to end these decades of the low capacity and skills in realizing our collective strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats, potential developmental challenges, low participation and contribution to development policies and programmes that affect the aspirations and well-being of the ordinary citizens, addressing the unnecessary bickering and high politicization of development issues, especially in poor regions of Northern Ghana.
I therefore, as the founder and Executive Director of the Centre for Social mobilization and Sustainable Development (CENSODEV), and Team lead of STAGRA, challenged you to join me through this established thriving Organizations as platform to galvanize all Citizens, for the promotion of Sustainable SMEs, CBOs, and entrepreneurs to champion a new course to redefine our destiny and facilitate inclusive development regardless of political affiliation, religion, creed, gender and or social status.
Ms. Dam Hamdeeya Yakubu
(Training and capacity strengthening Coordinator)
Hamdeeyatu is a driven professional, committed to innovation, sustainability, and social impact. With my role and experience as the Capacity Building and Training Coordinator for the Strategic Alliance for Indigenous Growth Resiliency in Africa (STA4GRA), Hamdeeyatu possesses a strong passion and background in developing and implementing impactful training programs. She is a Co-founder of Greenhusk Innovations Ltd, a startup focused on transforming agricultural waste (cornhusk) into sustainable paper, Hamdeeyatu combines entrepreneurial passion, innovation and resiliency by providing the strategic leadership for sustainable solutions youth unemployment. Currently pursuing a PhD in Business Management at the University for Development Studies, Hamdeeyatu continuously seeks opportunities to expand her knowledge and contribute to a greener future.
who we are
As a Business development service (BDS) hub, STA4GRA assists organizations like startups and MSMEs (Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises) with information, guidance, management, financial backing, and technical skills to enhance market performance, growth, and competitiveness. STA4GRA offers startups with the expertise to expand their operations, advises them on how to market and sell enterprises' products and services, provides guidance with marketable business proposals, plans development and validation of product-market fits through financial and non-financial services. STA4GRA aims to eventually serve all of Africa. Currently, our operations are based in Ghana and Southern Burkina Faso, with offices in Navrongo, Tamale, and Po. We also maintain community satellite offices across various communities and districts in Ghana.
Increasing grass root indigenous enterprises with creativity, innovation, adaptive capacity and ability to manage and sustain uncertainties in a constantly changing environment sustainably.
We work to promote resilient, sustainable and steady growth enterprises, constantly learning and innovating, creating prospects for people with people in a changing environment
- General Merchandise and supply services for individual and cooperate entities
- To facilitate increased growth and the establishment of technology-based rural micro and small-scale enterprises by improving access to appropriate service, technology and market.
- To improve the human resource and institutional capacities through competency skills training, mentoring, sustainable livelihood initiatives to promote quality of life of society’s marginalized and the underprivileged group. (E.g. women, children, youth and disabled)
- To Support sustainable agriculture initiatives for vulnerable small holder farmers and counter climate change with mitigation strategies.
- To improve the free and efficient movement of traders and goods in the region and internationally, by reducing the time and cost of trade borne by the private sector in West Africa, and by strengthening regional trading networks’ ability to take advantage of these improvements.
STA4GRA shares similar values as CENSODEV, believes in the following values:
- Staff, Clients and Partners safety is paramount;
- Pursuit of Gender Orientation, Equality, Equity, Diversity and Social Inclusion
- Respect for Human Rights for All
- Economic and Social Justice
- Democratic, fair and inclusiveness in Governance and leadership.
- Peace, Security and Non-Violence
- Sustainable use of Natural Resources
- Equitable Development
- Promote Community Spirit and Affirmative Action.