STA4GRA provides one-stop-shop demand driving Business Development Services (BDS), adopting “hands-on” step-by-step guidance and knowledge based sharing solutions to complex situations to public and private institutions, individual and corporate entities. Offers intermediary business support services with very economical rates and most of the time free to less endowed private sector enterprises in dare need of Business Development services through grants and our Corporate Social Responsibility.
- General Institutional Capacity Strengthening.
- Rapid Technical /Vocational Skills programes.
- Business Incubation, Coaching and Mentoring Services.
- Digital Marketing linkages/platform.
- Sanitation Business Development and Marketing Services.
- Event and Ecotourism
- Access to funding and Investment strategies, linkages/opportunities.
- Access to co-working space and grooming opportunities.
Agribusiness Business Development, Market Access and linkages
- Agricultural Extension Services
- Technology Integration in Agriculture
- Good Agronomic Practices (GAP)
- Post-Harvest Management and Value Addition
- Agribusiness Linkages and Market Access
- Special intensive rapid English for Francophone and French for Anglophone
- Rapid courses in Ghanaian and other foreign local languages
- Languages/Scripts translation and transcriptions
- ICT/Digital service and proficiency
- Development of Marketable Business proposals for clients
- Tourism Information and guide
Youth Volunteer Partnerships for Community Development (YVPCD)
- Youth Empowerment and Skill Development
- Community Service Projects
- Mentorship and Coaching
- Networking and Collaboration Opportunities
- Volunteer Exchange Programs
Our services strategies are geared to achieved the following outcomes
Increased numbers of clients across Northern Ghana provided intermediary business support services with very economical rates and free mostly, to less endowed private sector operatives that are in dire need of BDS.
Creating prospects for sustainable economic growth and resilient private sector; Creating sustainable businesses through perfectly crafted capacity building strategies and modules for training, Coaching and mentoring for SMEs, mobilizing savings, using these savings to start a loan fund, and to create a social fund for business growth and relief for members experiencing emergencies.
Provision of Rapid, Demand Driving Practical Technical and Vocational Skills Training Activities (PRDDPTVTA); such activities have a strong focus on providing enhanced livelihoods, poverty reduction among the vulnerable, especially young ones, ages 15 to 35 for opportunity to upscale or develop their skills for growth and expansion of sustainable grassroots SMEs.
Provision of Rapid, Demand Driving Practical Technical and Vocational Skills Training Activities (PRDDPTVTA); such activities have a strong focus on providing enhanced livelihoods, poverty reduction among the vulnerable, especially young ones, ages 15 to 35 for opportunity to upscale or develop their skills for growth and expansion of sustainable grassroots SMEs.
Improved quality of available human resource for the high unemployed young population, STA4GRA is involved in rapid, demand driving practical technical and vocational skills training activities to promote innovative growth and resilient private enterprises development, targeting the vulnerable, especially youth, ages 15 to 38
Increased entrepreneurial capacity of young people including apprentices of ages 15 to 25 who have graduated from technical and vocational skills training institutions or master crafts persons by equipping them with Startup Methodology; Business startup strategies, Financial, organizational planning management and business communication to successfully start and grow sustainable businesses for sustainable youth employment
Creating sustainable student entrepreneurs by strategically targeting and encouraging young women and men in school to venture enterprises to reduce graduate unemployment.
Foster young females to take up male dominated trades areas such as; welding and fabrication, Auto mechanics, Electrical and electronics, Carpentry and joinery, Paintings and Creative Arts, Tiling, Traditional Music and dance and the Agricultural value chain sub-sector in Northern Ghana.